Thursday, April 22, 2021
Romeo: "Take a deep breath and keep your eye on the ball."

"Best chance we have is if the ball hits you. Other than that we're cooked."

Parker: "Keep your head down, be chill, track the ball, and don't be nervious."

Burdo: "Keep your eye on the ball."
U13Aurora-King Jays AAA

Hayden could not be reached for comment, but he did eat cake and complete his tee work.
"Go for the touchdown. It's worth six....or four, I can't remember."
"Do whatever you can. We only picked you cause your parents bribed us."

Hobsy: "Stay back and keep your head on the ball."
"YOU'RE UP??? You think they'd notice if we just skipped you?"
"Just stand there. Take the free pass, amigo. I slipped the ump a hundred dollar bill. You swing at anything, you'll be riding the bench the rest of the year."

Uncle Pete: "Just make sure you look good out there. Like me. I look good. I look great, in fact. Be like me. I should be batting. Not you. Give me that bat....."
Great job with the assignment yesterday! Below, you will find your teammates' (and coaches') advice if you were going to the plate with the game on the line, along with a shot of them doing their tee work - be sure to scroll to the bottom for today's assignment!
Today, you have two assignments:
1) Run/Jog 3km (or more) - 3 km is the minimum! Please email or text me your time and distance (you are not competing against anyone but YOURSELF!). Try the same distance next week and try to do it faster!
2) 40 balls off the tee, and remember what you learned studying Juan Soto yesterday!

Aryan, "Swing early - the pitcher knows you have troubl with fastballs."