Friday, April 23, 2021
After Hayden completed his 3.0km run, he broke the law and crushed 40 off the tee at the 'Pen. By-law officers tell me that he and coach Nubby were able to do a little L-screen work as well before they were thrown in jail.
U13Aurora-King Jays AAA

1) Watch this video reflect on what you can do (even in this time of pandemic) to help keep your teammates motivated. Think also about how you can be a team player on and off the field when our season starts (thanks coach Rob for the video).
2) Long toss. Go out, warm up, then have good session of long toss. Challenge yourselves - how many throws can you make to your mom/dad/brother/sister at 100 feet? 150 feet? Have some fun with long toss and send me a pic!
Romeo ran to The Bullpen (3.3km) (his amazing, thoughtful, kind, talented, smart, handsome, strong father brought his equipment to the pen beforehand). After he accidentally lined a ball off my head, I made him run the 3.3 km back home.

Bif crushed 40 balls off the tee and completed a 3km run in 20 minutes. Witnesses report that he was pushing Uncle Pete in a stroller, but this cannot be confirmed.
Bif submitted the picture to the left, but I can't confirm that it's truly him (although there is some resemblance).

Perez crushed balls as he always does, then hit the treadmill for 3km.

Eli biked to the 'Pen then hit 45 off the tee. He asked if he could join our team. I said, "the best we can do is put you in the snack box and you better hope that Parker has dinner before he comes to the game."

As always, Hobsy did a TON of work. He ran 3.2 km on the treadmill, played long toss with a heavy ball, and hit 2 buckets of balls off a tee. Great stuff!