Saturday, April 24, 2021
A huge welcome to Owen (11U) and Ethan (14U) Fleming, who may have broke a few car windows, but did it in the name of long toss and baseball. Hope to see you guys here regularly! Maybe you'll get a shoutout on Motivation Monday!
U13Aurora-King Jays AAA

That's right, everyone, the sequel to Torture Tuesday (which is still on for next week) is Sadistic Saturday - which, of course, means PLYOMETRICS!!! See you at 10:00 am today!!!
Here's the link!! My boys - you may be outperformed by 11Us!
Hobsy retains his title as hardest working guy north-of-89 (actually, one of the hardest working guys ANYWHERE) Great stuff, dude, can't wait to torture you with plyo tomorrow. :)

Bif also continued his streak of Bif-ness with a great session of long-toss with Uncle Pete. Sadly today, we have a real picture of Bif, a great disappointment to all the ladies who followed him on Insta after yesterday's axe-weilding pic.
Romeo took to Elizabeth Haider Park, where we thought we'd have the outfield. Fortunately, there were dozens of others enjoying the beautiful day, masked and distanced.

Arayan continued to work out with his stroke and his cariovascular endurance. True to his Indian roots (coach Raj approves), he didn't wear shoes or socks.

Hayden threw 40 balls at 150 feet to coach Nubby. Nubs missed 35 of the balls. Hades, in frustration, stormed off, took the car, and made coach Nubby walk home. Nubs, unfortunately, got lost.

When you're 50 lbs, have no body fat, and think 16 degrees is too cold outside (and your Dad is on the hook for rent at a locked down facility), then this kind of qualifies for long-toss (he was there for 90 minutes, so I'll give him some cred.) Good job Eli!